Monday, March 3, 2008

Our cats: Dozer and Pugsey (our less known family members) are still trying to figure out the baby. All they know is that little Daryl has barged in, and takes all of our attention. When I am able to set the baby down, my focus is on things I need to do that require 2 hands; petting them is far from my mind. I try to pet them a little, or they will beg at the bedroom door while "Daddy" is sleeping. We have had them for a little over a year. A couple at Daryl's school was giving them away. They were "fixed" and de-clawed when we got them, but one of them makes up for her lack of claws with her teeth. Pugsey will occasionally chew on the blinds or paper left out. I have learned not to leave out yarn for her to play with, because she will eat it, and get sick. Both of them love shiny stuff, and enjoy playing with twist-ties (anything they can "bat" around with their paws).

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