Sunday, April 20, 2008

Our Honor Student

The Men in my house

Last Monday was Daryl's 4 month check-up. He was 18 lbs, 6.4oz (90th percentile) and 25.75 in long (85th percentile). His head circumference was 95 th percentile. At his last checkup (2 months) he was 75th percentile in his height. Daryl (Jr) told him he didn't want another "c" in any of his measurements. He was a bit more fussy after his immunizations than last time, but was back to his normal cheery self in 2 days. He moved into his own room a few weeks ago, and is sleeping well. It is nice to be able to move around in our bedroom without the fear of waking him up. He also naps much better during the day now that he has a quiet spot for napping. His babbling is so precious, and it is fun to see him get excited when he sees us. To sum it up, we're really enjoying him; we've decided to keep him.