Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Aunt Leandra' Graduation

Daryl, the elder's sister (Leandra) graduated from high school recently. Showing off the hard earned diploma with niece Camryn.
Daryl, the aged, Raymond, Janet, Rodger, and Stephen at the reception.

We celebrated at a nearby Ci Ci's pizza. Leandra made her dress, and the one her Mum is wearing.

Daryl, the younger, enjoying Uncle Stephen and a high bouncer ball.

Janet, Leandra, Camryn, Jeremiah, and Kevin coming from Ci Ci's.

Mega Blocks Castle

We found these castle blocks to go with our mega-blocks collection at a thrift store recently.
We built the wall when Daryl, the younger was napping.

It appears he liked it.


Garfield is, another thrift store find. He also has a stuffed lion, and he thinks both of them "roar." Recently, I was reading the Sunday comics, and he got on my lap, and pointed to the paper "roaring"; he was pointing to Garfield.

Do I want to be a cook or a photographer?

Daryl, the elder had cooked some fish sticks for Daryl, the younger for supper. Daryl, the younger wanted to try his hand at, cooking cheerios (without the stove on).

Daryl, the younger finally figured out how to take a picture with our camera. He doesn't have the focus part down yet, and he turns the camera the wrong way (taking pictures of himself), but we had a good laugh over the shots he got. He even pushed the video button a couple of times.

My favorite one.