Wednesday, October 14, 2009


We went camping with three other families from church. This is our campsite.
That's lake Hartwell behind us.

Hanging out at the Vieau's site. We ended eating all our meals at their site.

Stephanie had the cheese curls all to herself for a few moments.

Daryl bonding with the Vieau's dog, Obadiah. He was scared of "Obbi" at first (especially his barking), but got used to him by the end of the weekend.

An unwelcome visitor

As we were leaving to run some errands, I spotted this snake on our front porch. The power company cut down some trees down on the property behind us, and we think this snake migrated to our front yard. Daryl did some research, and it appears to be a baby rattlesnake. Kind of scary, especially with a little one running around. We haven't seen any more of it, and are praying it stays that way.
You can see Little Daryl's and my reflection in the storm door.

Trying new things

Wearing my socks
I was putting little Daryl's clothes away when he left the room. I went to check on him and found him laying on our bed singing to himself. He noticed me before I could snap the picture.Playing with a toy.

Like the cats, he too likes to sit in boxes.

He has on several occasions managed to get himself caught in the chair. Of course, he can't get out by himself.